Last update: November 1, 2020

WP Charts & Comparisons

The Page/Site Builders comparison is only updated every 6 months.
The two others are updated more frequently.

WordPress Page Builders comparison

WordPress form plugins comparison

Oxygen Builder plugin features

WordPress Page Builders comparison

What the most popular Page/Site Builders load by default in the frontend.
The Lowest the better (obviously).

Google Docs : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OFnk-o3B9LlSWGoQNYfyh9KDrye9KmGKihBAQFx7DK0
Google Docs : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1G3mscjIPrtvLTMmq_TJoBwUsXKFqYSvlaGIN-KQ57cA

More info

WordPress form plugins comparison

This comparison will show you how much assets each plugin loads when you create a basic contact form.
A basic contact form should be light, easy to set up and his asset should only load on the page where the form is visible.

Google Docs : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gahG45buGfUbxUqYO0Qb4rMFbOuODig5HfZhI5CNstc

Oxygen Builder plugin features

A list of the most popular plugins for Oxygen.

Google Docs : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1o81SrkCNwutK7GpVY9KOHtHjW1cqL0jQfWfYp7RCyIo
